I'm forever searching through my purse, the glove box of the car, above the visor, or even underneath the seats to try to find something to write on when an idea strikes me. I see a color combination I don't want to forget (I once wrote down the colors in the pattern of a woman's pants as I followed her through the parking lot after church), or I hear a good song on the radio (yes, I still listen to broadcast radio and I do not own an iPod!). Inevitably, I end up losing that piece of paper, and I'm frustrated later when I want to recall what I wrote down and can't.
Well, the problem has been solved!! Awhile ago, I found a tutorial for this nifty little notepad holder on Amy Celona's website, Ustamp4fun.com. It wasn't until we had this convenient rainy afternoon (after I'd found the little notepads at the Dollar Tree this morning)that I took care of my annoying problem once and for all!
This is super easy to do, and Amy's tutorial includes pictures. (Why should I reinvent the wheel?) I used the new In Color Blue Bayou and the new Level 2 Hostess Set Garden Silhouettes for this.
Hope this little "good thing" will make your day like it has mine! Now if I could only find a pen...
Let me know if you'd like to learn how to make this at an upcoming class or have me teach a group of your friends how to make it at your house!
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