Monday, July 23, 2007

I've been tagged...

I'm not sure how this started, but Dawn over at Amusing Musings and Things nominated me for this "title" and I'm tickled! I'm supposed to "tag" 5 other blogs that I think are great, but most have already been nominated. Here are my favs anyway:

1. Amy Westerman, a wonderful gal from Minnesota, always challenges me to think outside my comfort zone. Her cards and thoughts on life are at Heartfelt Greetings.

2. Michelle Wooderson, another Midwest gal hailing from Kansas, has great tips for creating cards en masse, and for unique layouts. See hers at Mish Mash.

3. Lydia is a fellow blogger whose website I discovered just a few weeks ago. Love her ideas, her whit, and her honesty! Be prepared: she loves BLUE! Only the Fireborn Understand. Doesn't she have an interesting blog name?

4. Fellow Georgian Amy creates beauties that inspire me too! Her blog is called Gone Inkognito. Another creative name!

5. Nichole Heady is an amazing artist and the founder of a new stamp company, Papertrey Ink. Great, great, great layouts and stamps! If only I had enough money to support my habit...Check her out at Capture the Moment.

I've been meaning to add some links to this blog for other artists' sites you can visit to get more inspiration, so this post will do double duty for awhile! I'll try to post a card later today...

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